Good afternoon, Due to the continued slick road conditions Maud Public Schools will be virtual on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Students can accessed their assignments via Google Classroom on their school issued device.
about 2 hours ago, Janet Turner
Good Evening, Due to weather predictions indicating extreme low temperatures with some precipitation, Maud Schools will be virtual Tuesday, February 18 and Wednesday, February 19. The parent teacher conferences will be rescheduled. Students may access their lessons on their devices. Thank you for your support. Stay safe and warm.
2 days ago, Cindy White
Good evening, This is a reminder that Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, February 18th and Thursday, February 20th from 4 PM-7PM. Mrs. Minton will be available at the high school for parents and students needing assistance with Oklahoma's Promise and with FAFSA. Mrs. Minton will also have progress reports available for all 6th-12th grade students at Parent/Teacher Conferences. We look forward to seeing all students tomorrow, February 17th.
3 days ago, Danyele Minton
We would like to notify you that Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 18, 2025, and February 20, 2025, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Please be advised that Maud's 21st Century After School Program will not be in session on these dates to enable our teachers to engage in these essential meetings. We appreciate your understanding and support. Thank you.
5 days ago, Janet Turner
Good evening, This message is to inform you that Maud Public Schools will be in session on Thursday, February 13th. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning !
7 days ago, Danyele Minton
This is to inform you that Maud Public School will be closed on Friday, February 14, 2025, as noted on our district calendar. Wishing you a pleasant evening.
7 days ago, Janet Turner
We would like to notify you that Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 18, 2025, and February 20, 2025, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Please be advised that Maud's 21st Century After School Program will not be in session on these dates to enable our teachers to engage in these essential meetings. We appreciate your understanding and support. Thank you.
8 days ago, Janet Turner
Congratulations to our DECA competitors today at State CDC. Jessy Hames, Victoria Cordray, and Avallonis Glave made finals for their events out of a large group of competitiors. Due to incoming weather, results for all events and award ceremony TBA. Go Tigers!
8 days ago, Amy Townsing
Maud Elementary School Valentine's Day Class Parties Announcement We are pleased to inform you that Maud Elementary School will host Valentine's Day class parties on February 13, 2025. The festivities will commence at 2:00 PM.
9 days ago, Janet Turner
Valentine's Day
13 days ago, Amber Williams
To all parents of senior students: this is a reminder that all scholarship essays and slideshow pictures need to be turned in to Mrs. Minton no later than Friday afternoon. Also, please remember that the FAFSA is a graduation requirement starting this year. Please let Mrs. Minton know if you need help with the forms.
13 days ago, Danyele Minton
Parent/Teacher Conferences Notification We would like to notify you that Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 18, 2025, and February 20, 2025, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Please be advised that Maud's 21st Century After School Program will not be in session on these dates so our teachers will be available to engage in these essential meetings. We appreciate your understanding and support. Thank you.
14 days ago, Janet Turner
Good evening, This is a reminder that Maud Public School will not be in session on Friday, February 7, 2025. Please note that this date marks the beginning of our district, "No School on Fridays" for the remainder of the school year. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
14 days ago, Janet Turner
The high school basketball games for Friday, January 31 have been cancelled. The visiting teams have a lack of available players due to sickness. We apologize for any inconvenience.
20 days ago, Danyele Minton
Good morning, This message is to let you know that all of Maud Public Schools phone lines and internet are currently down. We are working on getting everything back up and in working order. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you.
23 days ago, Amber Williams
Great morning with our DECA competitors at the Pre CDC Champ Camp at Stillwater this morning.
26 days ago, Amy Townsing
Good morning, This message is to let you know that all of Maud Public Schools phone lines and internet are currently down. We are working on getting everything back up and in working order. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you.
26 days ago, Janet Turner
2025 SRT High School Basketball Tourney at Tupelo, Jan 23-Jan25!!
29 days ago, Amber Williams
Tonight we will celebrate Basketball Homecoming and honor the Class of '44 Championship Basketball team. Homecoming festivities will begin at 6:00 pm, the HS boys game will follow. During half time of the boys game, we will recognize the Class of '44 Basketball State Championship, HS girls game will follow.
about 1 month ago, Amber Williams
class of 44
Good morning, This is a reminder that Maud Public Schools and the 21st Century Before and After School Program will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2024, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Classes and the 21st CCLC Before and After Program will resume on Tuesday, January 21, 2024, at their regular times. Have a wonderful day!
about 1 month ago, Janet Turner